MistPlay Contest 10k Points

Hello Bitcoin & Gift Card Collectors 🥰

I'm trying to win a contest where I have to:

1. Download the EverMerge game
2. Reach level 5
3. Refer 2 people via the app MistPlay 

I've seen MistPlay advertised everywhere but I only decided to install it because once I got my new phone, my Cash'em All and The Lucky Miner gaming apps did not transfer my points which was disappointing and I did not collect enough to earn a gift card.

Anyway, MistPlay  seems a lot more organized than the other two and there's a lot of games to choose from so it's a lot of fun if you're a gamer.

I have not received a gift card via because I just downloaded it yesterday but if you would like to help me win the contest please click on my referral link here.

Thank you and take care Xox


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